Hot Tub Trends seen in Island Escape Spas and Bullfrog Hot Tubs

There are constantly hot tub trends happening over time. As seen in Cal spas review, every decade the Island Escape and Bullfrog hot tubs seem so much more advanced than the ones from the decade before. This is because technology is constantly changing and then being integrated into the hot tub manufacturing industry which people talk about in Cal spas review s. We have already discussed the main Island Escape and Bullfrog hot tubs trends during this time. This would be hot tubs that are centered on hydrotherapy and the entertainment systems. Basically Island Escape and Bullfrog hot tubs have turned into the one stop location for all your entertainment and relaxation needs. A decade ago, plain hot tub jets that only have one single stream of air pressure were considered the ultimate source of relaxation. But now today there are adjustable jets and interchangeable jets that are come ready for any kind of upgrade that could jump on to the scene. A decade ago, the thought of having full on advanced entertainment systems in a hot tub was only an option for the wealthiest consumers. Now there are entertainment system hot tubs that come at very affordable discount prices. However, aside from hydrotherapy jets and TV/DVD entertainment systems, there are two other trends that have happened recently as well that we will discuss.

First, salt water Island Escape or Bullfrog hot tubs are something people are beginning to take seriously. They are a great source for healing wounds and sore muscles. Mixing the healing power of salt with warm water and hydrotherapy bubbles and massages, it makes perfect sense. Plus, not only do salt water Island Escape or Bullfrog hot tubs have wonderful healing powers, but they have amazing sanitizing capabilities as well. Salt is also known as sodium chloride, and chlorine is a common hot tub and pool sanitizer. When the salt is mixed into the warm water is separates in to two different parts; part one is used to heal the body and then the other part rids the water of any bacteria. However, we do go over the precautions to take if you want to turn your hot tub into a salt water hot tub. However, according to a Cal spas review, the salt can be harsh on filters and other hot tub parts if not cleaned on a regular basis.

Then we will also talk about the phenomenon that is hot tub aromatherapy. As seen in a Cal spas review, aromatherapy has made its way into the hot tub and spa industry with a bang. It makes sense since aromatherapy has healing powers of its own where different scents supposedly have different curing affects on the body and mind. These are easily applied into any hot tub since it can come in the form of a liquid that you simply drop right in the water. Or there are some Island Escape and Bullfrog hot tubs that are built with a special dispenser specifically designed for aromatherapy filters that hold the scents in the form of beads that can be used repeatedly. Whichever method you prefer for your hot tub doesn’t matter since both have been proven effective.

So those are the most prominent hot tub trends of this time, but only the mind can imagine what they will be 10 years from now.

Hot Tubs Kama Sutra

Let's face it; whether it is the warm water or the bubbles, there is something about hot tubs that brings out the romantic side in couples. Whether it is a Four Winds hot tub or an Island Escape hot tub, it has been known to bring couples closer together since it is a terrific way to float stress away while muscles relax and you bask in uninterrupted time. Now moving a step forward, the hot tub has become a popular place for Kama Sutra. This is because of the closeness clearance hot tubs create between couples with an intimate setting.
Cosmopolitan Magazine brought about a whole new meaning to the clearance hot tubs Kama Sutra idea when they published their "Cosmo's Aqua Kama Sutra," which is a small follow up to their original best seller "The Cosmo Kama Sutra." This book comes with 25 different sexual positions that are specifically designed to be done in a hot tub, whether it's an Island Escape or a Four Winds hot tub. This small book comes with detailed instructions, colorful illustrations and tips on how to intensify every sensual moment. There are "Lust Lessons" throughout the chapters that answer common questions that people often have about having sex in the Four Winds hot tub or Island Escape hot tub water, which we will talk about shortly. The entire book and all its pages come waterproof so you can take it with you in clearance hot tubs if you want.
Before you attempt any of this in your own Island Escape hot tub or Four Winds hot tub at home, there are some important things to understand about sex in clearance hot tubs. The female can just as easily get pregnant, regardless if she is under water. When it comes to getting pregnant, there is no difference whether it is underwater or above water; the same rules apply. This goes for condom use as well. Just because it is happening underwater does not mean the male does not have to use a condom if the couple wants to avoid getting pregnant. This is also why it is so important to use a form of birth control if choosing to have sex in an Island Escape hot tub or Four Winds hot tub.
Since condoms aren't typically tested in clearance hot tubs and pool water, especially with all the chemicals that reside in the water, here are a couple things to remember:

  • Hot tub water does not kill sperm, regardless of the chemicals used in them
  • STDs can still be transferred from one partner to another in a hot tub
  • Heated water may break down the strength of a latex condom
  • Spermicide is likely to wash away in the clearance hot tubs water
Another thing to consider is whether or not this type of sexual activity is something that is appealing to you. Although hot tub sex is portrayed as being glamorous and romantic, some people see it differently. This is because when it actually happens it is often times painful; more notably for the female. The water in an Island Escape or Four Winds hot tub washes away the amount of natural lubricant produced by the female, therefore causing discomfort for her. But this can also be dangerous for her considering the chances of tearing the skin is likely and the chemicals from the hot tub can enter the tears and cause an infection. Even if the skin doesn't tear, infections from the clearance hot tubs during sex are common. This is because water can still enter the female between thrusts which are causing chlorine and other chemicals to enter the body and cause an infection.

Whether or not you choose to partake in hot tub sex, the hot tub will always make a great place before or after sex where you won't have to worry about all the precautions above.

Different Hot Tub Games Match Perfectly with Hot Tubs Prices

Hot tubs don’t have to be all about relaxation, they can be about fun too! There are so many different types of games and toys that are available to hot tub owners along with any games that are easily made up that the possibilities are endless. You can start your game search by simply going to www.spas and you will see these are easily affordable with the hot tubs prices since most of the games come at a very cheap price.
There are water proof decks of cards available that will never get soggy at www.spas. The hot tub is the perfect place to play card games since it is an intimate area where everyone is closely involved and facing each other. You can bring the poker tournaments to your hot tub instead of the dining room kitchen and receive a hydrotherapy massage while playing. There are also 100% waterproof, clear Uno cards made for hot tubs. Now you can bring back your favorite childhood game and incorporate it into a night in your hot tub. This game works well with 2 to 4 people, which is perfectly suited within the hot tubs prices.
There are also floating game boards such as checkers boards as seen at www.spas that stay within affordable hot tubs prices. The entire board is to buoyant that it will never get bogged down with water. Plus, the board itself and all its pieces are 100% waterproof so they will have a very long lifespan. A great accessory to pair your floating checker board with is the floating drink tray. Not only can you be entertained with games and relaxed with hydrotherapy, but you can also unwind with a beverage or two.
Another hot tub game that is favored among children is the Splash Bomb. The way the Splash bomb works is it a balloon-type “bomb” is placed inside a plastic vessel that is on a timer. The vessel gets passed from player to player while the timer is running. Once the timer runs out, the inside balloon will explode and splash water all over the last person holding it. Each of the Splash Bomb games come with 10 of the inside balloons with the original purchase on a site found at www.spas, but you can purchase the balloons separately after the first ten run out at affordable games hot tubs prices.
There are also a number of different adult hot tub games available at hot tubs prices for couples. The Hot Tub Game for Lovers is an adult game of hot tub foreplay that allows couples to explore the comfort of sharing a nice warm tub. Each bubble is filled with four actions that vary from playful to naughty. You place the bubble into the hot tub, and then pick up one of the bubbles. Randomly select a romantic action from the bubble and you will perform it on your significant other. After performing the action, re-seal the bubble, and return the bubble to the hot tub. Then the other person will take the next turn and the game continues until all entries are carried out. The game includes 10 bubbles, 40 waterproof game pieces, and 2 oz. of bubble bath. You can take a look at the sites at www.spas that carry this game since this game has been especially popular around holidays such as Valentines Day!

Island Escape Spas, Great Lakes Hot Tubs, and Dynasty Spa Entertainment

There are so many ways to be entertained while sitting back and relaxing in your Island Escape or Dynasty spa. We have discussed some Island Escape and Great Lakes hot tubs entertainment ideas in previous chapters such as installing TV, DVD, audio systems, or LED lighting systems. All of these Dynasty spa features are great additions to add on to a hot tub for a higher price, but there are some other entertainment options in Island Escape and Great Lakes hot tubs we haven't discussed yet.
One form of entertainment comes from games. The Island Escape and Dynasty spa is the ideal place to play games since it a place where there is a number of people gathered around facing each other. It's a great time to socialize, but why not add a game into the mix? Many companies have caught on to this and have manufactured 100% water proof games. For example, the infamous game from childhood, Uno, has created a deck of playing cards that are water proof so they won't mold or sag. If you're not a fan of Uno there are regular playing card decks available that are also 100% water proof. These water proof decks of cards are a great way to get your friends together to play a game of poker in the Dynasty spa or Island Escape spa. Furthermore, there are floating board games as well. You can play checkers right there in the middle of your Dynasty spa since every playing piece is completely water proof.

Lastly we will discuss hot tub Kama Sutra. Let's face it; hot tubs such as Island Escape and Great Lakes hot tubs are a renowned place for romantic activity since it is a place of intimacy and relaxation. Cosmopolitan has turned the hot tub into the ultimate place for foreplay ever since they published their short book, "Cosmo's Aqua Kama Sutra." This book contains 25 different sexual positions that are specifically tailored to hot tubs such as Island Escape spas and Great Lakes hot tubs. While this all sounds like fun, there are some serious precautions to acknowledge before engaging in Island Escape and Dynasty spa sex. It can be a place for discomfort, infection, and it is not an effective method of birth control. But all in all, the Island Escape and Dynasty spa has taken its relaxation image to a whole new level with all the different entertainment options it has to offer.

Outdoor Living with your Island Escape or DreamMaker Eclipse Spa

The outdoor living area is rapidly becoming a popular option in home improvement planning. Homeowners are thinking further than the solo barbecue and now they are incorporating inviting outdoor fireplaces, useful kitchen islands with refrigerators and, of course, a DreamMaker Eclipse spa hot tub. The Island Escape and Jetsetter hot tubs are the perfect choice for outdoor living because it plays the part of the sofa in the outdoor living room. This is where everyone will want to congregate to relax and converse with one another.
Outdoor living is on the rise as people are building elaborate outdoor kitchens and outdoor living rooms. These outdoor social areas give entertaining a whole new meaning. The outdoor atmosphere is extra calming and it is the perfect place to come and relax. This is why Island Escape spas and Jetsetter hot tubs are a central asset to the outdoor living area because it is the symbol of relaxation.
Back when hot tubs first started to really become popular, people assumed they were just used in California and mostly the Sunbelt states, but this isn’t the case anymore. Now people all over the nation have Jetsetter hot tubs, no matter what the climate conditions are in their area. Even if you live in an area that is colder, the hot tub is perfect for your home. When it comes to outdoor living people build gazebos around their hot tubs or build wind blockers around their Island Escape and Jetsetter hot tubs in order to not let unpleasant wind and cold weather ruin their DreamMaker Eclipse spa hot tub experience.

Plus, Island Escape and Jetsetter hot tubs add to the aesthetics of a backyard living area. By putting up lights around your DreamMaker Eclipse spa gazebo and using the lights that are installed into the actual DreamMaker Eclipse spa, you can create an ambiance like no other. At night these lights will illuminate your whole backyard and amaze you and your guests.
Also, your DreamMaker Eclipse spa can make you the center of your social circle. How many times have you talked with your friends and you can’t decide where to all meet up. Now everyone will suggest your house since it is the most entertaining. This is great for intimate get-togethers since it places you and your friends in a close circle where no one will be left out of the conversation. If you have a lot of guests you want to entertain, you will want to consider a larger DreamMaker Eclipse spa so that everyone can participate in the spa usage. Even still, everyone can be a part of the conversation going on.

The DreamMaker Eclipse spa could also be used as an excuse for you and your friends to get together and catch up if it’s been awhile since you’ve all seen each other. However, the DreamMaker Eclipse spa isn’t only for adult use. It also acts as common meeting ground for families. Many people are originally drawn to the idea of a DreamMaker Eclipse spa for the relaxation and therapy reasons, but once they own one, they soon find out it is something that brings the family together. Children love the Island Escape and Jetsetter hot tubs as well so it serves a purpose for every family member. So when planning an outdoor living area, make sure it is in a place that is accessible by the whole family, but always be sure to have a sturdy DreamMaker Eclipse spa cover with a lock to keep children out when there isn’t an adult around for supervision.

Tax Benefits from your Costco Infinity Hot Tub or Island Escape Spa

If you own a Costco Infinity hot tub or Island Escape spa, you are entitled to various tax benefits. First of all, if you have a portable hot tub you won’t have to worry about a property tax increase. Since it is considered a portable hot tubs spas discount and not attached to the ground, it’s not considered a permanent part of the home, thereby doesn’t raise your taxes. Property taxes usually only increase when permanent things, such as swimming pools or sunrooms, are installed in your home. As a result, if you decide to go with an in ground hot tubs spas discount instead of the portable Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub, then chances are your property taxes will increase.

Aside from property taxes, there are some other tax benefits from owning an Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub. Since many doctors prescribe the health benefits that hot tubs spas discount have to offer there are several types of tax incentives available to you.

First of all, do you get a tax deduction for your Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub? The IRS claims in their Section 213(a) opinion letter that they offer tax deductions for people who have purchased hot tubs spas discount, but it had to be purchased primarily for pain relief reasons. You can even claim your Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub as a tax deduction even though you also obtain pleasure from it (or someone else such as your spouse), as long as you are buying the hot tub primarily to relieve pain due to an injury or condition. So how do you prove that you bought your hot tubs spas discount for pain relief reasons? You really don’t have to have any proof unless you want to be prepared if you were to get audited that year. Therefore, it’s good to be prepared. All you have to do is obtain medical records that show a doctor prescribed you to purchase an Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub in order to reduce injury pain or arthritis pain. It would be useful to just get your physician to make you a written report stating your condition and maybe attach an X-Ray, MRI or some other type of proof. Be careful when you are claiming your Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub for pain relief purposes if it is an extra large hot tub. The IRS will find it harder to believe that you purchased it primarily for pain relief if it is a 7 person hot tub with an elaborate backyard deck built around it and includes other luxury features.

Another thing to consider when you are planning on claiming your Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub on your taxes is how much to claim. If you purchased a large Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub, it would be a good idea not to claim the full cost or else they will think that you bought it not just for pain relief. In this case, you would want to claim the price of a smaller hot tub, which would still save you a lot of money in the end. Take note that if your hot tub was reimbursed to you 100% by your insurance company, you cannot deduct the cost of your Island Escape or Costco Infinity hot tub. It also is not a good idea to claim your hot tub if you are basing its purchase due to a short term injury. Hot tubs spas discount prescribe relief to constant aches and pains such as arthritis. However, you will want to check in with your personal accountant before any claims due to the fact that every hot tub purchase case is different and your circumstances may be different than the majority.

If you are a sufferer of chronic pain and you are looking into getting a hot tubs spas discount for that reason specifically, it will be worth your time to look into your health insurance plan to see if they can purchase the hot tubs spas discount for you. You’ll need three things:
1.Prescription to get Hot Tubs Spas Discount: Just a simple prescription from your physician stating that a hot tub would be good for your pain situation
2.Medical Records to get Hot Tubs Spas Discount: You’ll want to obtain some copies of your medical records such as X-Rays reports, MRIs reports or needle EMG reports.
3.Request Report to get Hot Tubs Spas Discount: You’ll want a request report from your doctor who summarizes your needs and condition. This basically will state why a hot tub will be good for you and what will happen with your progress once you have the hot tub.

Rental Benefits from your Island Escape Spa, Dream Maker Hot Tub and Vita Hot Tubs

Vacation rental owners often have to make the big decision whether to invest in a Dream Maker hot tub for their vacation rental property or not. Island Escape and Vita hot tubs are a great addition to rental homes and vacation rental homes. If you have a vacation home and you want to rent it out for the time it is not being used (to cut down on mortgage costs and cleaning upkeep), it would be a very beneficial idea to add a Dream Maker hot tub in order to raise the value on the property. Island Escape and Vita hot tubs are great for rentals since they can be used during any season of the year, and could pay for itself three times over within the first year of renting. The nice thing about having a Dream Maker hot tub in a rental is that it makes it look much more appealing to the potential renter since it is a sign of luxury, even if they never end up actually using it. Many vacation rental owners report that most of their potential renters ask specifically if the property has a freestanding Dream Maker hot tub. It has also been shown that many vacationers not only favor Island Escape or Vita hot tubs in their rentals, but will only rent properties that have them.

There have been tests done where two rental properties with the exact same floor plan were examined for a year. However, one of the rentals was given a Dream Maker hot tub and the other was not. By the end of the year, the rental with the Dream Maker hot tub earned $14,000 more in rent than the one without a hot tub. This is a strategic rental move because you can purchase Island Escape or Vita hot tubs for around $5,000 and then end up making $14,000 in the first year alone, which leaves you with at least $9,000 that you couldn’t have made with the rental before the Dream Maker hot tub.

As vacation and investment home sales continue to ascend, buyers are not only looking to get a foot in the door to a dependable investment, but also to get one step further than their competitors. Plus, not all approaches require a lot of capital. It has been shown that when renters are looking for the perfect vacation rental home, they look to see if it is clean and has luxurious amenities. So these renters are seeing Island Escape and Vita hot tubs as something that raises the value of their potential rental home. After all, they want to get their money’s worth.

But every vacation rental owner’s situation is different. There are a couple of things to take into account before you rush into a purchase of Island Escape or Vita hot tubs. First, remember the slight maintenance procedure that accompanies owning a Dream Maker hot tub. Plus, every property has different building codes, so you will want to check to see if you are allowed to install a Dream Maker hot tub and in what part of the property is it allowed (the backyard, the deck?). And lastly, you’ll want to take into account the risks that Island Escape or Vita hot tubs may create. Is your vacation rental a family favored place? If there are going to be children around the hot tub, make sure there is the proper locks and Island Escape and Vita hot tubs covers to keep them out of the hot tub when they are not being supervised by an adult. Just be sure to explain and post basic instructions for the hot tub use on or around the hot tub.